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Fotovoltaického systému

Kvalitní panely mají vysokou účinnost konverze sluneční energie na elektrickou energii. To znamená, že jsou schopny efektivně využívat sluneční záření a generovat více energie na jednotku plochy.

Při výběru fotovoltaických panelů je důležité vyhodnotit některé faktory a vybrat produkt, který nejenže nabízí vysoký výkon, ale také splňuje Vaše specifické potřeby a požadavky.


Type of panels: N-type TOPCon Technology, Half-cut cells, 182 mm * Monofacial* Single-Glass
Type and no. of cell: N-type TOPCon Technology, 108
Maximum system voltage: 1500 (V)
Power range: 465W-485W
Efficiency range: 21.58%-22.51%
Dimensions: 1902 mm x 1133 mm x 30 mm
Weight: 22.5 kg
Performance Guarantee: 30 years
Product Warranty: 15 years


Type of panels: N-type TOPCon Technology, Half-cut cells, 182 mm * Monofacial* Single-Glass
Type and no. of cell: N-type TOPCon Technology, 108
Maximum system voltage: 1500 (V)
Power range: 465W-485W
Efficiency range: 21.58%-22.51%
Dimensions: 1902 mm x 1133 mm x 30 mm
Weight: 22.5 kg
Performance Guarantee: 30 years
Product Warranty: 15 years


Type of panels: N-type TOPCon Technology, Half-cut cells, 182 mm * Monofacial* Single-Glass
Type and no. of cell: N-type TOPCon Technology, 108
Maximum system voltage: 1500 (V)
Power range: 465W-485W
Efficiency range: 21.58%-22.51%
Dimensions: 1902 mm x 1133 mm x 30 mm
Weight: 22.5 kg
Performance Guarantee: 30 years
Product Warranty: 15 years


Type of panels: N-type TOPCon Technology, Half-cut cells, 182 mm * Monofacial* Single-Glass
Type and no. of cell: N-type TOPCon Technology, 108
Maximum system voltage: 1500 (V)
Power range: 465W-485W
Efficiency range: 21.58%-22.51%
Dimensions: 1902 mm x 1133 mm x 30 mm
Weight: 22.5 kg
Performance Guarantee: 30 years
Product Warranty: 15 years


Type of panels: N-type TOPCon Technology, Half-cut cells, 182 mm * Monofacial* Single-Glass
Type and no. of cell: N-type TOPCon Technology, 108
Maximum system voltage: 1500 (V)
Power range: 465W-485W
Efficiency range: 21.58%-22.51%
Dimensions: 1902 mm x 1133 mm x 30 mm
Weight: 22.5 kg
Performance Guarantee: 30 years
Product Warranty: 15 years


Type of panels: N-type TOPCon Technology, Half-cut cells, 182 mm * Monofacial* Single-Glass
Type and no. of cell: N-type TOPCon Technology, 108
Maximum system voltage: 1500 (V)
Power range: 465W-485W
Efficiency range: 21.58%-22.51%
Dimensions: 1902 mm x 1133 mm x 30 mm
Weight: 22.5 kg
Performance Guarantee: 30 years
Product Warranty: 15 years


Type of panels: N-type TOPCon Technology, Half-cut cells, 182 mm * Monofacial* Single-Glass
Type and no. of cell: N-type TOPCon Technology, 108
Maximum system voltage: 1500 (V)
Power range: 465W-485W
Efficiency range: 21.58%-22.51%
Dimensions: 1902 mm x 1133 mm x 30 mm
Weight: 22.5 kg
Performance Guarantee: 30 years
Product Warranty: 15 years


Type of panels: N-type TOPCon Technology, Half-cut cells, 182 mm * Monofacial* Single-Glass
Type and no. of cell: N-type TOPCon Technology, 108
Maximum system voltage: 1500 (V)
Power range: 465W-485W
Efficiency range: 21.58%-22.51%
Dimensions: 1902 mm x 1133 mm x 30 mm
Weight: 22.5 kg
Performance Guarantee: 30 years
Product Warranty: 15 years


Type of panels: N-type TOPCon Technology, Half-cut cells, 182 mm * Monofacial* Single-Glass
Type and no. of cell: N-type TOPCon Technology, 108
Maximum system voltage: 1500 (V)
Power range: 465W-485W
Efficiency range: 21.58%-22.51%
Dimensions: 1902 mm x 1133 mm x 30 mm
Weight: 22.5 kg
Performance Guarantee: 30 years
Product Warranty: 15 years

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